Thursday, 16 August 2007

Not Enough Days In The Week

Phew, finally got the reply back from Chris this morning and managed to cobble together a plan and shopping list to send in before he goes away on holiday.

OK, so 'cobble together' is perhaps too rash a statement.....I planned the food that we will be cooking and constructed the shopping list accordingly! Why 'cobble together'? Quite simply because Chris would like us to do a weekend of recipes that we've not tried before, 'Tudor cooks experimenting with something new' was how he put it!!

Now that's all well and good, but new recipes.......ones that we've not cooked before.......hmmm. As it happens, the plan for next year is to bring out the new research and only use new recipes that we've never done before, well as far as is practical; but that research just isn't ready yet, so.....what to do?? It turned out to be very easy to compile a list of recipes to occupy us over a 2 day event, it's just that they don't really make a very appealing menu and some of them will take very little time to produce, so won't be on 'display' for many people.

The solution.......simple in the end. Just cook the recipes for experimentation purposes and cook a simple stew to sustain the guys during the working day.

What will we be cooking?? Well, for the moment I'm afraid that you'll have to be patient with me as I've not had enough time to type up the menu for the holiday weekend or the list for the September event, preferring to scribble illegibly in pencil instead! I'll hopefully get the time in the next couple of days, but can't promise anything definite until early next week. This will also give me time to run through it all with Robin and Marc H over the weekend.

1 comment:

Helen said...

Going back to the early Aug weekend, you'd planned to do Chyryoun but, in fact, didn't.

I finally got round to trying it myself last night. Took an absolute age to do. (But worth it.)

I sort of did a cheat, as I wasn't sure whether I needed to cook the cherries down to a total mush. It seemed to me that they weren't going to get any softer, so I gave them a quick blitz with a hand blender. I think this enabled me to get more juice when I "wrung them in the cloth". I assume I wasn't meant to keep all the flesh in the mix (we just ate it!! Cherries cooked in red wine - rather nice!!)

I only added sufficient rice flour to slightly thicken the mix - the egg yolks did the trick well and good (and no, it wasn't solid, nowhere near that).

A rather good and tasty result I thought - MAYBE I would use a tiny bit less wine vinegar next time, or slightly less powdered canelle - used 1 canelle to 2 galyngale (nope, it didn't taste soapy!)

Was it sacrilege to use Bing cherries do you think, or was I just mad?

See you Monday (if you're going to do Chyryoun - save it till then!!!!!)
