Thursday, 15 February 2007

At Last.....A Relatively Quiet Day

Well, so far so good with the talks and stuff.

Monday's interview went very well, over half an hour of easy chatting which should give plenty of scope to be cut and leave a good result.

In the evening we were taken out to dinner by the Culinary Historians of Southern California; it was a nice restaurant in San Pedro run by an ex pat bringing British cuisine to the US! We had a meal based on a menu from 1790 and it was very enjoyable; marrow bones followed by stuffed goose and finished with pears in cream. Spent the evening chatting to everyone, most of whom had been to the talk on Saturday and had plenty of questions to ask.


Tuesday saw us at the Huntington for the day, lots of reading in the morning and afternoon, with a talk for the staff and readers at lunchtime. This is one of the 'brown bag' talks that the library holds- where you bring your lunch to the talk. Rather embarrassingly, according to the tech guy who was sorting the screen out we are known for having given the best talk that they've had there!!

Today we had a nice relaxing day. A meeting in the morning in Santa Monica meant that we were finally in the right place to visit the farmers market there. Every time we've been here before people tell us that we should go to the farmers market and now we have. As it turns out, good though it is to see all the fresh local produce on sale, there isn't a great deal of variety to it- citrus fruit and vegetables with the odd stall selling organic meat- Good but nothing shocking or surprising I'd say.

On the way back to Pasadena we popped into the Getty centre, again something we've been meaning to do for a while. If you ever get the chance to visit then I can't recommend it enough. You pay for the parking then admission is free and they've got a fantastic collection of art from Roman up. At the moment the special exhibitions are manuscript illustrations from medieval France and icons from Mt Sinai. Should you be planning a trip to the Monastery at Mt Sinai in Egypt to see their icon collection before March 6th then don't bother!!!! Nearly all of them are at the Getty!

Tomorrow sees us giving talk to the Cordon Bleu school here in Pasadena, so stay tuned to see how that goes.

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