Unsurprisingly, things took a little longer than I'd planned this evening...a phone call to Carter tends to do that...so I've not got round to sorting out the images from the past weekend...still, will give me something to do tomorrow perhaps.
I have though found a video of Dave running the mini jousting game from June, so will pop that at the bottom of the post for your viewing pleasure.
I suppose that the weekend went well, but won't be too sure until I get a look at the picture we took....I know what we actually did, but the pictures and diary are a visible measure to show the boss in the future so it's always best that we have something to show, even if we did a lot more than we recorded.
Plans seem to have changed for the August Bank Holiday weekend and it looks like there will now be a Tudor joust on that event...as far as I am aware it is planned to be similar to last years event, but with the kinks ironed out...as and when I get details I shall let you all know...hell, it might even prompt me to sort out the pictures I took last year to show you...which I completely neglected to at the time. All that aside, it does mean that any plans I had for the cookery that weekend will now need to be changed in order to accommodate plans from the top....will have to wait and see what those plans actually are though!
I'm pretty sure that nothing will be decided until after the next weekend at the end of the month....if that goes well it may be that elements from that weekend will be 'recycled' for August, but at the moment who knows??
The plans for the 2nd July event are fairly set now (see previous posts for details such as they are), just the menu and shopping list to prepare then all the nitty gritty of moving furniture and so on to sort out on the day....and I mustn't forget that the first August weekend follows on pretty sharpish so need to get a shift on with ideas for that weekend too...possibly looking at some recipes that would work well for a modern summer barbecue?
Well, that's it for the moment as until the images are transferred I'm kind of at a loss of what to report from the past event...other than the obvious...it was hot!!!
So for now, here's Dave doing what he does really really well....
1 comment:
More of the same please!
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