Tuesday 25 March 2008

Flipping Fountain Flim Flam!?!!?

Well back home from the weekend and time to stick a few pictures and the like up for you to see I suppose.
First things first though, Dave and Adrian seem to have got a second wind with the wax fountain and what had turned into somewhat of an albatross around their necks has suddenly turned around and it's now all steam to get it finished......hopefully in the next two weekends (over April). The aim is to paint the decoration as well as to add decorative marbled wax plaques I believe, so no video of the finished working item as I thought there may be, instead there's this one for you to see

This is the culmination of the weekends work on the fountain I suppose, the wax Bacchus that sits on the top of it. In the video you can see the guys dipping the roughly shaped figure in red wax, they were attempting the lifelike pink hue of skin, but ended up with bronze........I'm not sure which is worst, Dave's football commentator stylings or Adrian's nipple fetish!?!

Only 4 pictures from the weekend from me.........to be honest I just didn't get much of a chance to snap away and when I did I'm afraid my heart just wasn't in it.....Robert on the other hand went mad for it.......over 3Gb of pictures crammed onto my hard drive now, just a matter of sorting them out and posting them up in tantalizingly small batches left for me to do. I've been playing around with some previous pictures and I put the results over at Flickr though...

polar panorama of the roasting kitchen

polar panorama of Baden-Powell kitchen

So how was the weekend then? Busy, mostly......cold, mostly and quite productive as not only did we have some success with a colour experiment thanks to Elise, we also came up with some conclusions and theories to do with food service and lent for the end of year report.....I'll let you all know when I've submitted it and it's been accepted.
I think that Elise had a good weekend........well she did keep coming back so that's a positive sign I think, she certainly took plenty of notes and pictures too, no doubt we'll find out from her if she had a good time or not when she returns back home. She very kindly gave us a bottle of mead to drink, which we did with the final meal of the weekend and jolly good it was too......thank you very much, you really didn't have to. We did spoil her a little on the Monday, letting her try some of the roast beef and the tarte owte of lente, the look on her face showed that we might have got those two right anyway ;-)

I don't like bank holiday weekends as they 'steal' a day from the week.....I still keep thinking this is Monday when it's not, so it's time for me to get my finger out and plan the menu for next weeks cooking......along with the shopping list, the meat part of which will need to be done by tomorrows close of business.........off I go then......

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I must say that the 'football like commentary' was great. I hope to be able to see the finished product!