Friday, 26 March 2010

A Question For You All......

Is it just my PC or is the Flickr badge on the right that usually shows a selection of images only showing the same image in all of the little squares?

Replies would be appreciated so that I can try to fix it if it's not just me.

Thanks in anticipation.


A Forest Dweller said...

They all look the same to me

Lois said...

Nope, must be you, lots of different ones on my screen

Anna said...

It's all one picture to me. Just many times over.

Argwyth said...

It's Saturday evening here in Delaware, making it the wee hours of Sunday morn for you - and it's still showing only one image on my screen. Not sure if this would make any difference, but I'm on a PC, with Windows and Internet Explorer.

Lois said...

Oh, its now gone to one repeated pic...

terrylove said...

Occasionally I get separate images, that usually degrades to lots of the same, but mostly it's always all the same. Has David "magyk'd" the widget to prefer him to all others?

Tudor Cook said...

thanks for all the comments, looks like there may be a problem with the Flickr end of things as it's not just the badge links that have been flaky.