Monday, 12 March 2007

Ok, So I've Been A Bad Boy......

..and not written anything for over a week. I've been taken to task in an email by my 'number 1 fan' (my mother!) about not writing up last weeks stuff. Well to be honest, it was a long and tiring week and writing in the evening was the last thing on my mind... I know, I know, I should finish what I start, but last week I really couldn't be bothered.

Anyway, here I am now so all is better eh?

Last week was a busy week. Originally set aside for running repairs to the static display in the kitchen, you'd be surprised at the damage that occurred over the school half term holiday. So we were ready with glue in hand, to stick it all back down again. We were also adding new stuff to the display, more sacks, more plastic meat and as soon as the health and safety man approves, a couple of new wheelbarrows- I've added a few (5) photos to the photostream so you get a rough idea, you'll also get to see the wheelbarrow before anyone else so a sort of sneak preview.

On Tuesday there was the official opening of the new Clore Education Centre at Hampton Court. This newly revamped and added to area of the Palace will really add to and improve the education departments provision for school and adult education. As part of the education department, the 5 core members of the team were invited to the opening, best bib and tucker as guest of honour was HRH The Price of Wales.....which was nice. We didn't get to talk to him, but we did get to eat some very nice canapes !

Wednesday saw me in a meeting for most of the morning, talking to our manager about the forthcoming years cookery events. We've got some great ideas in the pipeline, some stuff you may have seen before if you've visited and a lot that is brand new.....more of that at a later date though.
The rest of the week saw us armed with a large tin of solvent based glue, sticking down plastic meat, pies and fish; let's just hope that they stay stuck for a little longer this time.

Time marches ever on and the Easter cookery looms large, it opens on the 6th April for 10 days, that's just over 3 weeks away!!!! This week I have to sort out the menu, work out the shopping list and then get the food orders in by the middle of next week so that we've got the ingredients to cook with. That means tomorrow will be spent taking another inventory of the stuff we have in stock so that I can start the menu planning on Wednesday.

As soon as the menu is sorted, I'll post it up for you all to see what lies in store for the cookery week. You should also (fingers crossed) see the number of posts start to increase as we prepare for the Easter week.


Helen said...

Very pleased to see an update and looking forward to hearing more on what you guys are planning for Easter. Can't wait to get over to Hampton Court for your Easter session to see the fruits of your labours (and to go home and try for myself).

Was re-looking at your exploits in Los Angeles - I cannot get my head around the bubble tea and the "frog's spawn" basil seed drink. Neither of them would I try!

Are there any other weird and wonderful drinks you've had a try of? Would be interesting to hear.

Will you be posting more recipes after Easter?

Is there anyone else looking at the blog who's been trying out the recipes you guys have been doing?

Keep the posts coming, please.


Tudor Cook said...

You know jolly well about the weasel coffee incident!!!! (I see a new career as a stooge in a comedy act, he he) I may tell more later.......I may not!

Yep, more recipes after Easter, as well as menus during the event.
