Sunday, 25 March 2007

Easter Is Coming And The Goose Is Getting Fat....

..or something like that!

Not long to go now until the Easter cookery event is upon us.
The menus have been planned and the ingredients ordered it's now a matter of waiting to see if it all turns up on time or not.

Big Changes For Easter

So, 10 days of cookery are mostly planned and the shopping lists being drawn up when I get the dumb idea:
'wouldn't it be great to cook 2 meals each day? You know, at the proper Tudor court times...10.00am and 4.00 pm'

Unfortunately, everyone else thought it was a good idea too?!? So now we just have to deliver.

2 meals a day, that's no problem I hear you cry....well no it isn't, except for the fact that the palace doesn't open until 10.00 am and we only start work at 9.00!! Oh well, I'm sure it'll all work out fine and if not then the rest of the guys will undoubtedly let me know what a stupid idea it was.

At the moment, posting the menu's is problematic due to the format that they are currently in - scribbled in pencil on a sheet of paper, but as soon as I get them typed up I'll post them for all to see and to whet your appetites.

There probably won't be much activity from me for this coming week as I'm away on another job for the next 4 days or so, but there will be an update next weekend ready for Easter's cookery.

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