Sunday, 25 April 2010


May day bank holiday weekend plans are as follows ...

Pick, Carter and Robert will be working in modern 'whites', with the rest of the team in period clothes.

Pick and Carter will be continuing their work on chafing dishes, both ceramic and metal..there will be some boiling, possibly some frying and I would fully expect some wafers to be made too....hmmmm. Working in whites will allow them to use modern thermometers and clocks to enable better comparisons between the different types of equipment, something which has only been able to have been done anecdotally of late...fingers crossed for a few actual numbers this time.

They will also have a small selection of the various recipe sources to hand (well copies at least), perhaps combined with some of the other sources used to enable a better discussion with the public regarding the interpretive nature of the work done by the team...let's face it, it's all a bit of a guess really isn't it and it would be nice if we could get that across to people instead of letting them go away labouring under the impression that we 'know it all'....something I think those of you who are regular readers here will know is most definitely not the case!

It's also planned that they will have a selection of original artefact fragments pertinent to the work being done on chafing dishes for the public to handle and examine, these will include original chafing dish fragments and ceramic material from our own collections.....if I can find where we 'tidied' them away!!

Robert will be working in modern whites to enable him to photograph and record the recipes that are cooked. This has been happening behind the scenes over the last year, but has proved to be tricky to fit in with the interpretive needs of last years theme. This year we are once again being allowed to show everyone the recording taking place (so long as it's done by people in modern clothes) and hopefully we can be back to the stage we were at a year ago in terms of the number of pictures taken and the data collected...fingers crossed on that front.

Marc H and myself will run the charcoal area as Robin is away this weekend, cooking the chosen recipes; engaging visitors in discussions as to the interpretive nature of the work (spot the theme eh folks) and encouraging them to talk this through with Pick and Carter whilst looking at source material.

Everyone per usual!!

...and that is pretty much it. Plans are progressing for the next few events, fairly similar but moving a few people around to try out different jobs and to keep things nice and fresh...can't stand it when it gets all stale and 'normal'!! Bigger plans are also in the works for later in the years, but for those you'll just have to be patient I'm afraid...all hush hush and that for the moment.

Should be time for another trawl through the archive of images before the onslaught of the weekend...just got to plump for the images to go with......


1 comment:

terrylove said...

Sounds like a plan, now let's see if it all comes together.

Allowing Pick and Carter (I still think that sounds like a pairing off a 70's/80's cop show) to use modern thermometers, and clocks, is really the only way to get full value from their "experiments".

Robert being allowed to take pictures and record the successes and failures also sounds like a good move.

I wonder if taking those 3 out of period costume will leave the rest of you looking a little "thin on the ground", but we'll see.

Anyway, it sounds like it will be interesting and a bit different to what I've seen you all do, but not so drastically as to court disaster.