Monday, 28 September 2009

Panoramic Archive

Well I think I've sorted out the hosting issue for all the old quicktime panoramic images.....let's see if this works then:

With all three you just need to click and drag the image around...I'm sure you'll all work it out.

The first is the Kitchens...

This one is Clock Court, this is when there was renovation work being done on the whole clock tower...

and finally a piece of history, Base Court as it no longer looks! I took this before the work started on re-paving the courtyard....I must get round to doing a newer version, but given that the nights are now drawing in this may have to wait until next year now....still, enjoy this view of the past...

It turned out that the rest of the stuff on the soon to vanish hosting site was the video of a boiling pot, which to be honest, out of the context of the post is really dull....along with the various menus that I've posted in the past. Although these may be interesting they really do need to be linked with the post about them and I just can't face sorting that out at the moment....perhaps in the future but for now they'll just have to vanish into the ether.



Anonymous said...

Imagine our delight when thinking,"well I know this is a waste of time,but I will check the blog",to find you are up and running again.Hopefully your past problems have been sorted,and we can once again look forward to the news from Hampton Court.with love from no.1 fan

Diane said...

Welcome back. You didn't happen to shoot a panorama of HCP in the snow at the beginning of the year, did you? Sorry we will miss the next cookery weekend...we will arrive a few days too late.