Wednesday, 24 November 2010

It's Not What You Know.....

It's who you know....well so seems to be the case with Twitter, which since the little spat with @henrytudor8 (with his obsession about a 5 bird roast!!) and a follow by me of @tudortutor and @jonathonfoyle has seen my number of followers double to a modest 50 odd, most of which within a 6 hour period....ah the twists and turns of the modern social networking....don't think I'll ever "get it".

Meeting later this week about Christmas so hopefully I'll be able to blab after that about what's planned for this years event...which I'm both excited and terrified about in equal measure. News about December's weekend will come at the same time too.

Now away to bed as another day beckons working with Robert as an education session stand in.....I'd forgotten quite how tiring it gets doing the sessions.


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