Saturday, 27 November 2010

Call The Animal Welfare, Cat Stuck In Bag!

So, there I was all ready to spill about Christmas when a short email flops into the inbox at 6.00 p.m. which, for the moment, puts all my intentions to tell you the plans for Christmas on hold!?!

It's not a massive problem or anything serious...simply that proper procedure wasn't followed during the planning process and that's put a slight hold on things whilst we sort it out. I'd hate to tell you one thing was happening then have to correct it all next week if things have changed, I hope that you can see the reasoning I'm working with here. Hopefully, when people are back to work on Monday we can sort the little hiccup out and everything will be back on track, but for now, the cat has to stay firmly shut in the bag....sorry.



Elise Fleming said...

Poor cat! I can hear it scratching and meowing to get out! Hope it survives the weekend...

terrylove said...

If processes take their usual time, I'll find out what's happening next weekend when I get there...

Tudor Cook said...

hey, no fair.....though possibly quite accurate ;o)